A 60 year old Male who is a labour by occupation visited our op which chief complaints of fever and cough since 15 days .

History of present illness:

  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back then he developed fever associated with chills which is intermittent and also dry cough and burning micturation and sob since 10 days .

Patient suffered from similar complaints 3years back . He joined our hospital it got reduced but before 15 days again suffered from high grade fever associated with 

Loose stools,low backache, burning micturation,sob. No abdominal pain, no heamaturia.

So he visited local hospital but there is no use then he immediately joined out hospital. 

Past history:

  Patient suffered from similar complaints in the past.

No h/o diabetes 

No h/o hypertension 

 No h/o epilepsy

No h/o TB

No h/o asthma 

No history of any previous surgery in the past. 

Personal  history:




Bowel  :loose stools 


 Occasionally alcohol and  cigarette but stopped before 3years.

Family history:

No similar complaints in the family. 

Drug history:

No allergy to known drugs.

General examination:

 Patient is conscious,coherent, cooperative. 

No pallor 

No cyanosis 

No lymphadenopathy 

No clubbing 

No icterus 

No edema

No tremors 

Temp: 101°f

Pulse rate:104/min




Systemic examination:- 


S1 and s2 are heard .

 Respiratory system 

No dysponea 

Position of trachea central .


No tenderness 

No palpable mass

Bowel sounds are present. 


   Patient is conscious 

Speech is normal 

Provisional diagnosis:

 Viral pyrexia,urinary tract infection.




Inj pantop 40mg IV

Inj neomal 1gm iv

Tab dolo 650mg 

Plenty of oral fluids 

Syrup grllinctus 10mg po/bd


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