General medicine 7

 39 k.meghana, 37 K.sai likhitha

 A 22 year old female who is haliling from miryalaguda who is a student by occupation visited our op with cheif complaint of blurring of vision, sob.

History of present illness:

Before 1 year Patient vistited department of opthamalogy due to blurring of vision before visiting the hospital .They did several diagnosis and confirmed that there is nothing wrong with her eyes and referred for whole systemic examination.In diagnosis is was conformed as kidney failure.

She visited several other hospitals in nalgonda then she reffered here she came from past 11 mon .She is recieving dialysis- weekly twice in our hospital.In the past few months when she on dialysis several times she is suffering from headache ,cough and fever sometimes.

Past history:

She had  no similar complaints in the past. 

She had hypertension since 1 year .

 No h/o diabetes 

No h/o epilepsy

No h/o TB

No h/ asthma 

No history of any previous surgery in the past. 

Personal history:




Bowel-decreased urine output

bladder movements :normal 

 No addictions 

Family history:

No similar complaints in the family. 

Drug history:

No allergy to known drugs.

General examination:

 Patient is conscious,coherent, cooperative. 

Pallor is present 

No cyanosis 

No lymphadenopathy 

No clubbing 

No icterus 

No edema

No tremors 



Pulse rate:85/min



Systemic examination:- 


  S1 and s2 are heard .

 Respiratory system 

No dysponea 

Position of trachea central .


Soft and non tender  


   Patient is conscious 

Speech is normal 



Final diagnosis:

 Ckd and mhd


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