
Showing posts from September, 2021

General medicine case-4

General medicine case 4 September 20, 2021 K.Meghana (39) K. Sai Likitha (37)  Date of admission : 9 /08/2021 A 60 year old male who is an agriculture worker came with cheif complaint of swelling of hands and leg , shortness of breath since 1year . History of present illness:   Patient was asymptomatic 1year back before  he developed swelling of legs and hand but he neglected it later so it become progressive with  shortness of breath and decreased urine output.   Past history: Decreased urine output 1year back   Hypertension since 3years. No history of diabetes No histoy of epilepsy No history of tb No history of any previous surgeries  Personal history: Diet -mixed Sleep-decreased Appetite-decreased Bladder-regular Bowel: regular No addictions.  Family history:  No similar complaints in the family are seen. Drug history:  No allergy to known drugs.  General examination:    Patient is coherent,cooperative,conscious.    No pallor     No cyanosis    No lymphadenopathy   No malnutrition 
  General medicine case 3 August 24, 2021  Date of admission :24/06/21   A 28 year old male who works as a private employee in shopping mall.he admitted with acute weakness and urine output decrease since 5 months .  Cheif complaint: Patient was asymptomatic till April this year .       Patient was admitted with decrease output and got diagnosed as acute glomerular nephritis.  A 4 sessions of hemodialysis are done later got admitted on ckd on mhd . Then 10 session hemodialysis done. History of present illness   Weight loss since 1mon . Decrease in appetite.  Visited golbule hospital where they said he had renal problem. History of past illnesses:    There are no similar complaints in the past. Hypertension is present.  No diabetes mellitus.  No asthma  No TB No epilepsy  No previous surgery    Personal history:       Diet:mixed     Appetite:normal Bowel:normal    Bladder:normal  Occasional alchohol habbit .no smoking habit.  Family history:    There are no similar complaints in family.
  General medicine case 2 August 19, 2021  Date of admission:15/08/2021 Cheif complaint:  A 50 years old women who is a daily wage worker came to causality with cheif complaint of sob since 3months,pedal edema and decreased urine output since one year  History of present illnesses:   Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1year back then developed pedal edema which was gradually progressive and associated with sob with decreased urine out put. Past history:  No similar complaints in the past . No diabetes.  Hypertension is present  No asthma  No TB No blood transfusions  No history of surgery in past  No epilepsy      Personal history:   Diet:abnormal    Appetite:normal    Bowel :regular    Bladder: irregular   No addictions. Family history: No history of similar compalinents in family  Drug history  No allergy to known drugs  General examination:- Patient is conscious, cooperative and coherent Pallor is present  No cyanosis  No lymphadenopathy  No dehydration  No clubbing of fingers  Vit
  General medicine case 1 0 August 16, 2021 Date of admission: 05/08/2021 26 year old man who is a daily wage worker came to causality with the cheif complaints of fever since 3months,cough since 2 months,dysponea on excretion since 2months   History of present illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months back. Patient had a habit of consumption of 8 beers  after getting back home he experienced high fever. Then he went to local hospital and  on checking tempearture it was 104 °F for which he received medications for 2 days.   Since 2 months he has been experiencing cough and  dyspnoea on exertion . Associated with vomiting - 3 episodes per day, containing food particles and blood . Loss of weight since  2 months  Loss of appetite since 2 months  Dark stool since 3 weeks  Patient visited 4 hospitals but was not relieved from his symptoms .   Past history :  No h/o similar complaints in the past . No h/o Diabetes mellitus  No h/o astama No h/o hypertension No h/o tb , epilepsy